
maybe this is restarting things but i feel like static electricity. invisible. not seen. fragments. fractals. they say women are crazy but if u want to go back to fucking your hand. anyway. and that women need medication. i am so sick. literally. of this society. telling us what to do. paper tells me what to do. soad. im attached to gig i always loved black cats. gotta protect them around halloween.  men started abandoning me. just wanting to see me sometimes. and theyd have another woman with the hosue and keys and kids and cars and money. and id be.... just somewhere to forget her... multiple men. am i that exciting. lol. well anyway. i dont want a side to exist. and i want to be special to ONE damn man. people are so jealous of me and hate me. i dont even want to be alive most of the time -- been driving myself into the gtround because im trans but.. i dont know how to talk to females my mouth is dirty as a sailors probb was one once upon a time.. and they hurt me and i dont forget

Spooky Halloween!!



 Staying in my teenager bedroom. I am 31. A hurricane hit my apartment, rendering me homeless. Was being physically abused by my boyfriend, and she would not let me live here. Was almost homeless, because, reasons, now she took me in. I'm really trying, but I feel far away..... WELCOME, I AM A VICTIM OF MKULTRA.